Consulting Kit

At Coderty, we help you chart the path to digital transformation.

Consulting Kit logoConsulting Kit logos con claim y bandera

What is the Consulting Kit programme?

Kit Consulting is an aid program aimed at SMEs and aimed at hiring specialized and personalized digital advisory services for their businesses.

This is an aid program from the Government of Spain, whose objective is to help SMEs between 10 and less than 250 employees take another step on the path to digitalization.

With advisory services, SMEs will obtain a path to advance in the digitalization of their business so that they make the leap from digital transition to digital transformation.

Who is the target group and what is the amount of support?

Segment A

Small enterprises with between 10 and less than 50 employees. 12.000€

Segment B

Small and medium enterprises with between 50 and less than 100 employees. 18.000€

Segment C

Medium enterprises with between 100 and less than 250 employees. 24.000€

What requirements must the company meet?

  1. Have the fiscal domicile in Spanish territory.
  2. Be considered a small or medium-sized enterprise.
  3. Be registered and have the minimum seniority established by the call for applications.
  4. Not to be considered as a company in difficulty.
  5. Be up to date with tax and Social Security obligations.
  6. Not be subject to an outstanding recovery order from the European Commission declaring the aid unlawful and incompatible with the common market. and incompatible with the common market.
  7. Not to incur in any of the prohibitions foreseen in article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General de Subvenciones.
  8. Not exceeding the 'de minimis' (small amount) aid ceiling.

What services does Coderty offer?

Artificial Intelligence

Provide you with an artificial intelligence plan tailored to the needs of your SME. Additionally, your learning in artificial intelligence techniques will be prioritized.

Artifical Intelligence Consulting Kit

  • Identify relevant data sets for AI implementation.
  • Advise on creating data governance protocols with AI regulations.
  • Analyze AI tools for data management and recommend suitable options.
  • Guide on deriving valuable information from existing data using AI.

Consulting kit support up to 6.000€.

Artificial Intelligence
Data Analysis Basics

Basic Data Analysis

Basic data analysis plan tailored to the needs of your SME. You will understand the required investment and the necessary measures for its adoption. Additionally, your learning in data extraction and analysis processes will be prioritized.

Basic Data Analysis Consulting Kit

  • Identify SME data for improved understanding.
  • Analyze AI tools for data exploitation and visualization.
  • Establish valuable information from AI data processing.

Consulting kit support up to 6.000€.

Advanced Data Analysis

If you already have a basic data analysis system, the main objective of this service is to provide you with a more advanced analysis plan tailored to the needs of your SME. This plan will determine the investment and measures necessary for you to establish an advanced data analysis system in your SME, prioritizing the establishment, improvement, automation, and learning of data extraction and analysis processes.

Advanced Data Analysis Consulting Kit

  • Identify and evaluate SME data for integration with other sources.
  • Generate valuable information using AI algorithms to enhance decision-making.
  • Provide guidance for managing SME data using data management tools.

Consulting kit support up to 6.000€.

Advanced Data Analysis
Digital Sales

Digital Sales

This service aims to enhance your online sales performance through digital marketing techniques and AI technologies, along with a tailored use case for your SME's digital sales area.

Digital Sales Consulting Kit

  • Analyze your SME's digital sales, social media presence, and online positioning.
  • Raise employee awareness of online sales and digital marketing importance and techniques.
  • Define a medium to long-term digital sales and presence strategy using AI predictive models.
  • Develop and execute a use case tailored to your SME's digital sales using AI techniques.
  • Identify AI opportunities for digital sales enhancement.

Consulting kit support up to 6.000€.

Business Processes or Production Process

This service aims to identify areas for improvement and optimization in your SME's business processes or production process, utilizing AI techniques and providing a tailored use case.

Business Processes Consulting Kit

  • Analyze current processes for potential improvements.
  • Communicate strategic importance of process digitization.
  • Provide advice on tools and techniques for process optimization.
  • Develop and execute a tailored use case for process optimization.
  • Identify AI opportunities in business or production processes.

Consulting kit support up to 6.000€.

Business Processes
Business Strategy Performance

Business Strategy and Performance

Provides a business strategy plan to enhance your SME's competitive positioning, utilizing AI technologies for improved analytics.

Business Strategy and Perfirnance Consulting Kit

  • Analyze your current business intelligence situation to assess needs, identify gaps, and detect improvement opportunities.
  • Recommend strategies to develop analytical skills and foster a data-driven decision-making culture.

Consulting kit support up to 6.000€.

Cybersecurity (Basic)

Basic cybersecurity plan tailored to your SME's specific needs, along with a customized use case. It includes basic documentation for your Information Security Management System (ISMS) according to ISO 27001 and ENS (medium to high category).

Basic Cybersecurity Consulting Kit

  • Assess your SME's current risks and identify valuable assets and data.
  • Ensure business continuity against security incidents.
  • Elaborate a detailed response plan for security breaches.
  • Define a customized cybersecurity strategy in the short and medium term.

Consulting kit support up to 6.000€.

Basic Cibersecurity
Advanced Cibersecurity

Cybersecurity (Advanced)

This advisory service is available if you already have basic security protection and a cybersecurity plan but seek more advanced protection systems.

Advanced Cybersecurity Consulting Kit

  • Analyze and conduct penetration testing and vulnerability analysis for your SME, understanding your technological and operational environment.
  • Implement cybersecurity procedures and tools for your SME's daily management to prevent, detect, and respond to threats.

Consulting kit support up to 6.000€.

Cybersecurity (Certification Preparation)

Designed for those who already have basic security protection, an adapted plan, and basic ISMS documentation. Its main objective is to assist you in implementing advanced protection systems, leveraging AI capabilities, and preparing you for SGSI certification.

Certification Preparation Cybersecurity Consulting Kit

  • Analyze and conduct penetration testing and vulnerability analysis for your SME, understanding your technological and operational environment.
  • Review your cybersecurity policies, plans, and procedures, identifying deficiencies and areas for improvement.
  • Proactively protect your SME against data-targeted attacks, enhancing resilience and responsiveness to threats.

Consulting kit support up to 6.000€.

Cibersecurity Certification Preparation
Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

Offer solutions tailored to your specific needs. It defines the necessary investment and strategic measures to apply in each impact area, achieving overall improvement. Additionally, innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence will be used to identify improvement opportunities and optimize the digital transformation process.

Digital Transformation Consulting Kit

  • Analyze existing business processes to identify areas of your SME that could benefit from digitization.
  • Design and implement awareness programs to educate your employees on the strategic importance of digital transformation.

Consulting kit support up to 6.000€.

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